The Appropriated Landscape…..

                        Only a glimpse…….

For the last decade my work has explored the relationship between new technologies, the simulated world and the disappearing natural landscape. My use and experimentation with a variety of materials and mediums-continues to dominate the surface qualities of my work. The contrast between the untamed wilderness and human development seems inescapable.

My  exploration of the landscape is inspired by previous work exploring the development of a simulated world- created by new technologies. A simulated world and virtual realities seem to be dominating our view.  However –exploring new technologies has led me straight back to nature. The desire and ability for humans to participate in a simulated world – may contribute to the lack of desire and inhibit the need or immediate desire to preserve the natural environment.

The struggle to balance -protecting the unspoiled natural landscape and allowing for human progress, has emphasized the need to rethink our place in the world.  Who will be the – protected or unprotected will take center stage in a reimagined world. 

Nature- still provides my inspiration for artistic expression. I continue to observe, interpret, and mimic natural forms – processes and functions.  How a form is produced will be ever changing and debated – due to technology. It will be new technologies that may contribute to preserving or replicating– the disappearing natural environment.

Shauna Peck

Copyright 2017 | SHAUNA PECK